If you want beamoff (or any suitable program) to run automatically on OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 If you want it to run automatically read below.If you don't want to run beamoff automatically, you can double-click to run it.Move your mouse pointer to the right of the window over to a space between the Application icons ( not over them).Now in the left of the Downloads window, click Applications.In the Downloads window right-click beamoff ( not beamoff.zip) and select Copy "beamoff".Click beamoff.zip, which should unzip the file and open the Downloads window for you.

Here are some more beginner friendly instructions on how to set it up, particularly useful for those unfamiliar with how file operations work on Mac OSX ( all clicks are left mouse button clicks, unless stated otherwise) On my VM during booting the screen sometimes looks a bit messed up until OS X loads to login, it's fine once it starts. Using beamoff, and making it start automatically as well, has greatly improved the visual performance on my Yosemite VM.